
Chloe is an actor, comedienne, theatre creator and arts educator based in Vancouver, British Columbia. As a graduate of the prestigious physical theatre school École Philippe Gaulier, she uses physical comedy, improvisation, devising along with text-based creation styles to produce theatre that is funny, relevant and poignant. She has won multiple grants and awards, including the Mark Purvis bursary for emerging physical theatre artists in 2013.

Her play, “Fake Nerd Girl” was produced professionally in both Newfoundland and Toronto along with being produced in festivals in Stratford, London and Kingston. 

Most recently, she co-lead the development of “Collider” an immersive virtual reality experience which explored the limits of embodiment in virtual space. “Collider” was featured in rEvolver Festival the Festival of Live Digital Art and the SummerWorks Festival.


As a devisor, She has developed and/or performed in various productions including The Five Points (Theatre by the Bay), Configurations of a Divine Bitch (Goat Howl) and Waiting for Batteries (Slippery People).

As a performer, she specializes in physical comedy and classical text. Noteworthy credits include: Crisis on Planet Z (Monster Theatre), Dead Drone (Fox Queen), Caribou Cave (Theatre by the Bay), Northern Lights (Theatre by the Bay), Fake Nerd Girl (Wild Talk), The Stranger (DLT Teatro), Antigone (Soup Can Theatre) and Much Ado About Nothing (Single Thread Theatre Company).

She teaches physical theatre and clown for various institutions, including: Vancouver Film School, The University of Toronto, Havergal College, The Storefront Theatre, The County of Simcoe and Sweet Action Theatre Company.